Ganz überraschend wurde ich Ende letzten Jahres für die HOME BUILDER AWARDS 2018 des UK BUILD Magazins nominiert und gewann! Ich freue mich riesig und bin mega stolz über meinen Titel „BEST FENG SHUI CONSULTANT GERMANY 2018“.
Als „Bonbon“ kam ich auch noch auf das Cover des BUILD AWARD MAGAZIN und konnte dort einen interessanten Artikel über meiner Beratung und Vision platzieren.
Meine Vision
„My vision is to consult people in any kind of building projects, especially in the corporate sector, and establish Feng Shui as a vital benefit and useful, strategic tool. With my work, I want to give an essential contribution, helping to create the best possible environment for living and working.“
Der Pressebericht vom Build Magazin
Toller Einblick in die Bedeutung des Awards
United Kingdom, March 2018
BUILD Magazine has announced winners of the Home Builder Awards 2018.
Now in its second year, the acclaimed Home Builder Awards 2018 aim to show gratitude to the innovative and ground-breaking firms and individuals across the sector. Whilst celebrating the industry itself, we also wish to provide recognition to the leading businesses and their individuals – paying tribute to the exceptional work they have carried out over the past 12 months.
Discussing the success of these deserving winners, Sam Jordan-Turner, Awards Coordinator commented: “These coveted awards cover all aspects of home building, from businesses who are involved in the very beginning of a project, to those at the very end – and everyone in between. From engineers to architects; and builders to tradespeople, we understand every discipline plays a vital role, and as such we are proud of each and every one of our deserving winners, and I wish them every success for the future.”
Published monthly, BUILD endeavours to bring you the latest need-to-know content and updates from across the global construction and property industries.
Keeping pace with a vast array of ever-changing sectors thanks to regular contributions from some of the world’s foremost construction, design and real estate experts and firms, Build is home to the very best news, features and comment from the people and institutions in the know. Taking in everything from the latest products and techniques, to up-to-the-minute design trends and industry-moulding regulations, BUILD should be the first port of call for any construction or property professional looking to remain on the cutting edge when it comes to their or related industries.
Ich bedanke mich noch mal ganz herzlich beim BUILD Magazin für die Preisverleihung !
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Deine Bettina
Über mich
Als Imperial Feng Shui Expertin bin ich für dich und deine Räume da. Imperial Feng Shui gehört zu den präzisesten und wirksamsten Methoden weltweit. Ich berate seit vielen Jahren mit Herzblut und jeder Menge Fachwissen Privatpersonen und Unternehmen europaweit, halte Vorträge und bin Mitglied im Berufsverband für Feng Shui und Geomantie e.V.
In meinem Blog FENG SHUI NEWS & MINDFOOD poste ich regelmäßig Neuigkeiten, Interessantes und Tipps rund um Feng Shui, schöner Wohnen und einen positiven Style für Life & Business.
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